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เริ่มเมื่อ 2009-08-01




บริษัท สหไทย อินดัสเทรียล จำกัด
คุณอำพร 08-4427-3353  E-mail:


SYSMAC CP1E Programmable Controller

Economy, Easy and Efficient Package PLC. More Device Control Possibilities for Small Scale System.

The CP1E all-in-one package PLCs provide high cost performance to further reduce costs by allowing you to select the optimal CPU Unit from the E-type Basic Models or N-type Application Models.

  • The E-type Basic CPU Units provide cost performance and easy application with only basic functionality.

  • The N-type Application CPU Units support Programmable Terminal connection, position control, and inverter connection.

Product Lineup


Number of I/O Points vs. Program Capacity


CP1E-E Micro PLC (Basic Models)





The Basic Models provide cost performance and easy application.

Program capacity: 2 Ksteps

DM Area capacity: 2 Kwords
Timers / Counters: 256 each

High-speed counters: 10 kHz x 6 inputs




Compatible with small Programmable Terminals and inverter-controlled position control.


Program capacity: 8 Ksteps

DM Area capacity: 8 Kwords
Timers / Counters: 256 each

High-speed counters: 100 kHz x 2 inputs and 10 kHz x 4 inputs



CP1E-N Micro PLC (Application Models)



Easy Ladder Programming with “Smart Input”

[Ladder Programming: 30% Faster]

Note: In the case of program capacity 1.5 Ksteps


Easy Input Editor


• Instruction and Address Input Assist Functions


When you begin typing an instruction from the keyboard in Ladder Editor Mode, suggested instructions are displayed and the addresses are automatically entered.


Connecting lines are added automatically based on the cursor position, enabling intuitive ladder programming.

  • Easy Input Editor with Smart Input Function
    When you begin typing an instruction in Ladder Editor Mode, suggested instructions are displayed.

When you begin typing an instruction in Ladder Editor Mode, suggested instructions are displayed. Select the desired instruction and the addresses will be set to tone higher than the addresses that were previously entered. Enter the operands. I/O comments can also be entered at the same time.


User-friendly Ladder Program Input


• Automatic Connecting Line Insertion


With the automatic connecting line insertion function the necessary connection is added automatically based on the curser position.


When an instruction is input at the curser, a connecting line is automatically inserted.



• Automatic Column Insertion When Inserting Instructions


The column is automatically inserted when an instruction is added even if the curser is above another instruction.


When an instruction is input at the curser, a column is automatically inserted for the instruction.



Easily Reuse Ladder Programming


• Copying with Address Incrementing


To create the same group of ladder instructions more than once, with the address addition copy function, the instructions can be reused simply by inputting an address offset.


Offset set to 5 bits



Intuitive Menu Structure


• Intuitive Menu Display


An intuitively designed menu structure makes it easy to see the overall system simply by looking at the menu for smooth operation without referring to a manual.


The function required for process is grouping.



Commercially Available USB Cables Can Be Connected


CP1E CPU Units use USB for the peripheral port. Computers can be connected using commercially available USB cables. Without the need for USB conversion cables or special cables, connection is easier and cable cost is low.


USB Cable Connection



I/O Status at a Glance


The terminal layout display features I/O indicators. The indicators are in the same position as the terminals to let you see the I/O status at a glance. You can easily identify I/O status or perform status checks at startup or during operation.


Visible Status



More Applications with Advanced Control Capabilities and Functionality (N-type only)


The CP1E N-type CPU Units are equipped with high-speed counters, pulse outputs, and a built-in serial port. These features enable controlling a wide range of devices for small scale system.


PT Connection, High-speed Counters, Pulse Outputs, Modbus-RTU Easy Master



Pulse Outputs (Available Soon)


Two 100kHz pulse outputs for high-precision position control.


Pulse Outputs


Note: Models with transistor outputs.



Modbus-RTU Easy Master


Specify Inverter speeds via RS-485.


Modbus-RTU Easy Master



High-speed Counters


Control multiple axes with one PLC using the two 100kHz and four 10kHz, single-phase high-speed counters.


High-speed Counters



Serial PLC Links


Link data with up to 10 words between up to nine CP1E-N CPU Units when controlling a device with multiple CP1E-N Micro PLCs.


Serial PLC Links



Other Standard Features for CP1E Micro PLC

  • Programming, setting, and monitoring with CX-Programmer for CP1E.

  • Easy connection with computers using commercially available USB cables.

  • Expansion I/O Units can be used to increase the I/O capacity of a CPU Unit (for CPU Units with 30 or 40 I/O points).

  • Expansion Units can be used to add analog I/O or temperature inputs to a CPU Unit with 30 or 40 I/O points.

  • Quick-response inputs.

  • Input interrupts.

  • Extensive high-speed counter functionality.

  • Versatile pulse control (Models with transistor outputs only).  Available soon 

  • Execution of origin searches and origin returns using instructions (Models with transistor outputs only).  Available soon 

  • PWM output function (Models with transistor outputs only).  Available soon 

  • Changing settings with the analog adjusters.

  • Built-in RS-232C port on N-type CPU Units.

  • A Serial Option Board can be added to N-type CPU Units with 30 or 40 I/O points.


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