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เริ่มเมื่อ 2009-08-01




บริษัท สหไทย อินดัสเทรียล จำกัด
คุณอำพร 08-4427-3353  E-mail:

SYSMAC CPM1A Programmable Controller

The Smallest PLC in the SYSMAC Family Shows Just How Far Downsizing Can Go


The SYSMAC C Series began developing s wide range of Programmable Controllers to meet factory automation needs in 1973. And now the CPM1A joins the C series history as a small PLC that has all the far less mounting space.


The CPM1A also provides flexibility in I/O capacity ranging from 10 to 100 I/O points. The CPM1A can replace relay control, help distribute I/O, work as a miniature machine controller or sensor controller, or fill many other vital roles in factory automation.



Flexible Control and Plenty of Power in the Minimum Body Size


The CPM1A can be easily built into a wide array of machines or control panels. For example, you can use the CPM1A to control a few more I/O points on existing lines without having to install a new control panel. Just install the CPM1A in available space to control only the required number of I/O. The CPM1A was born to reduce waste in the factories by effectively using valuable space.


Wide Lineup of CPM1A Series 

Select Units to Control from 10 to 40 Input Output I/O points and, in combination with Expansion I/O units, can be used to control a total of from 10 to 100 points.

With Expansion I/O Units 

Note: Only 30- and 40-point CPUs support Expansion I/O Units. Up to three Expansion I/O Units can be connected.




Easy Connection to Programmable Terminals


An optional Communication Adapter supports Host Link or NT Link connections for high-speed communications with OMRON PTs.


Easy connection to HMI



Windows-based Support Software

The Windows-based CX-Programmer Support Software reduces Software development time and provides powerful monitoring and debugging functions. Other Windows applications can be used and the programming environment has been greatly improved.

Powerful monitoring and debugging functions using Windows-based Support Software


CX-Programmer's many monitoring and debugging functions provide powerful support for multiple program development.

  • User-friendly operations

  • Powerful display/monitoring functions

  • Powerful debugging functions

  • Remote programming and monitoring

  • Maintenance functions

  • Data compatibility with Windows applications


Programming Consoles

Hand-held Programming Consoles are ideal for onsite startup and adjustments.


Programming Consoles



Full Functionality in a Compact Body

Plenty of programming capacity and a large instruction set handle even complex control operations.

  • User Memory: 2,048 words

  • Data Memory: 1,024 words

  • Timers/Counters: 128

  • Basic instructions: 14

  • Special instructions: 79

  • Analog adjustment: 2


High-speed Execution


LOAD instructions execute at 1.7 ตs, MOVE instructions at 16.3 ตs, for a fast program execution. High-speed scanning is thus possible even with large programs. Interrupt inputs and quick-response inputs can be used to handle high-speed pulse that are too fast for the scan time.


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